Wednesday 23 April 2014

CA Act 1 Investigation & Product Review

BA2 criticise an existing digital product to find both positive and negative points to inform your own product research

You will be making an interactive multimedia/web product for 14/16 year olds based around the theme of The Sporting World - it can be educational, informative or just for fun.


List at least 5 interactive websites that you have looked at for inspiration in the research phase in your Assets Table


Using the Review Template, complete the Strengths, Weaknesses and Overview of 1 of the sites you have listed in your Assests Table.

The site you have chosen to review does not need to have a 14/16 year old slant, but perhaps it should...?

Try to use the skills you acquired during the practise review lesson to help you.

The deadline for this is 25/4/14.

HWK: Attend after school catch up to meet the deadine.