Monday 6 October 2014

TB1L4 Phone Usage

BA2 describe and give examples of how mobile phones are used by people in their daily lives by analysing real life data


Collect your homework phone log from the front of the class. IF you have not got yours with you, print an empty copy and complete (best guess) for the last week.

You MUST have 7 days worth of data


Either use your own design (C+ grade) or use the template provided (D grade, O:\ICT\GCSE ICT Year 9 2014\TB1\Phone Usage Example), to fill in your details for the course of a week.

You should use the overall totals!

Swap details with a minimum of 4 other students, the more you can collect, the better!

TASK 2: Analysis (C+ Grade)
  1. Create a graph to show your usage. Place this into PowerPoint and annotate your findings
    • Why do you have to make 2 graphs?
  2. In the same way, analyse the findings for 1 other student. Annotate as before.
  3. Complete 2 further graphs comparing ALL people in your table. Again, annotate your work.


Discuss and predict how an employed adult’s phone usage would vary from your own and produce a chart to highlight the differences.

Were there any surprises? Do you think your phone usage will change as you get older?

  1. At least 2 graphs displaying your findings
  2. These graphs pasted into PowerPoint and annotated to show your findings
  3. An answer to the extension task, graph and pasted into PowerPoint and annotated
  4. Your completed 'Phone Log' Homework


Phone App Table (SMH)