Monday 8 December 2014

TB1L8 Security & Privacy

BA2 demonstarte how personal information stored on a mobile phone pose a threat to privacy



What does this number represent?
What information could somebody extract from a person's mobile phone.....?
Complete Protect My Data in O:\ICT\GCSE ICT Year 9 2014\TB1\Lesson 8 Security & Privacy

Think about the ways that a user can protect their own data and how they might do that.

  • password protection
  • data encryption
  • keypad locks
  • time-outs.



What is it? What is it used for? Can you think of any Apps that may use this technology?

Post your answers as a comment on THIS post. Remember to select Name/URL as your profile and only include your FIRST name on your post


Find a media story in which a mobile phone plays a key role. Reflect on what happened and extrapolate lessons learnt.

Thursday 4 December 2014

TB1L7 Responsible Use

BA2 explain restrictions (legal and other) on mobile phone use and why they are imposed 


Collect your folder, a blue front sheet and a green pen.

You have 12 minutes to attach your sheet to the front of your work and use the green pen to respond to the feedback on your work so far.

Start to complete the checklist on the front for work completed up to this point. You may work in pairs for this section if you are unsure.


Was James breaking the law? Would ‘hands free’ have prevented the accident?

In this case mobile phone usage is prohibited by law. Can you think of any situations in which, although mobile phone use is legal, it’s not the ‘done thing’ to use a mobile phone?


In pairs, or individually, complete No Phones Allowed found in O:\ICT\GCSE ICT Year 9 2014\TB1

List places/situations where mobile phone use is prohibited, the reason for the ban and possible consequences of non-compliance.

Once complete, work with another pair to compare lists and differentiate between ‘must not’ and ‘should not’ restrictions - make notes on your findings.

Print out a copy for both people if you worked in a pair.


Design a digital poster to promote responsible use of mobile phones.


Discuss examples of what acceptable/unacceptable behaviour on a mobile phone means....

What do they have in common? What is different? Why? What sanctions would they impose?

HWK: Show My Homework - links to BBC Bitesize/SAM Learning - Assessment in 2 weeks time....