Monday 30 September 2013

TB1L4 Feeling Good

BA2 describe what is meant by 'User Experience' by sampling Multi Sensory Digital Products


Recap the meanings of 'Target Audience' and 'User Centred Design' from last lesson

Discuss these with your partner and prepare to feedback.

Whilst watching, consider multi sensory digital products and your experience of them
Save the following file into your Unit 3 area: O:\ICT\GCSE ICT Unit 3\TB1 L4 R2 Sensory Products 
Complete this document in pairs, but make sure you complete your own copy.

Consider the combination of senses (audio, visual, tactile) being used with each Digital Product you list and how the combination of various elements effect the experience of using the Digital Product…User Experience...


"User experience is about how a person feels about using a Digital Product. It’s not uncommon to confuse ‘user experience’ with ‘user interface’ i.e. how you access the Digital Product, but the ‘user interface’ is just one piece of the puzzle...."

User Honeycomb - What's important?

Measurable Outcomes

Begin thinking about your Homework... Developing a Persona

What is a Persona?

HWK: - Create 2 Personas based upon 2 of your 5 chosen Multi Sensory Digital Devices

NG CIDA - Draw It! 2

BA2 describe the concept of scale drawing by accurately designing your floor plan and wall elevation


Follow the steps below to setup up 2D Design correctly
  1. From the Start menu, click on All Programs > TechSoft Design Tools and open 2D Design 
  2. Click on Setup > Drawing > Layout and select A4 as your paper size. Click Ok.

    Fig 1
    Fig 2
  3. Click on Setup > Drawing > Scale and write 25mm in the World (actual) box. Click Ok.
    Fig 3
  4. Double click on the Dim Lines tool

    Fig 4
  5. Change Units to Manual. Click the Units button.
    Fig 5
  6. In the Units menu, select Metres and tick Display Units. Click Ok.

    Fig 6

  7. You may also want to turn on Grid Lock to help your measurements
    Fig 7
  8. You need to make sure you have completed these steps BEFORE you begin!


Have a look at the basic floor plan design below.

Floor Plan Example
This is at the top end of what you are expected to create.

Design your floor plan to show everything you said in your Proposal, remember you need 1 door and 1 window at the least .

Tip: Where possible, use the Rectangle tool to draw with, not the line tool.

Use the Dim Lines tool to add measurements

Save this in your Evidence folder as Floor Plan


In a brand new file, using the same setup, complete a design for your rooms wall.


You have been working at a 1:25 scale, what does this mean?


Simple floor plan and elevation
By the end of this lesson you wil have completed:
  • Scale drawing of your floor plan
  • Scale drawing of your elevation
  • Screenshots and annotations in PowerPoint/Word about what you have done (how & why)

Wednesday 25 September 2013

TB1L3 Hitting the Spot

BA2 relate how digital products align to target audiences


Think about the 4 different products you researched for your Homework. Who do you think the Target Audience is for each one?
  • Game
  • E-Learning
  • Simulation
  • E-Zine

Target Audience

Consider the characteristics and preferences of each person in turn, highlight design features of the MP3 player that meet the needs, characteristics and preferences of each one.

Digital Product designers and developers don’t just make a Digital Product and hope for the best. The range of MP3 players were not randomly designed in the hope that the likes of Joshs, Jeans, Jaynes or Johns of this world would like, buy and use them!

Putting the intended users of a Digital Product at the centre of the design and development is called User Centered Design.

Putting the User at the Centre
  • Requirements gathering - Understanding and specifying the context of use
  • Requirements specification - Specifying the user and/or organisational requirements
  • Design and build - Producing designs and prototypes
  • Evaluation - Carrying out user-based assessment of the Digital Product
UCD - methods for Gathering Information
Some of the most popular user-centered design methods for gathering the information needed to inform the design and development include:
  • Focus groups - Requirements gathering 
  • Questionnaires - Requirements gathering & evaluation 
  • Interviews - Requirements gathering & evaluation
  • Usability testing - Design & evaluation
Think, Pair, Share - Considering the variations and combinations, how could you test a website before its release?
Think, Pair, Share - Do platforms make a difference?
In your groups, investigate your given website from the list below and feedback onto your slide. Think about how the website could benefit from the alternative platform of an iPad...
  1. - feedback
  2. - feedback
  3. - feedback

*You may need to add an 's' after the http on the feedback links

Monday 23 September 2013

NG CIDA - Draw It!

BA2 describe the concept of scale drawing by accurately design your floor plan and wall elevation
You must produce accurate drawings of the area you have chosen for your chillout zone. 
Produce a floor plan. It must:
  • be created using only vector tools
  • be drawn to scale
  • show all doors and windows
  • show the dimensions and scale
Produce an elevation of a wall of the area. It must:
  • be created using only vector tools
  • include a window or door
  • be drawn to the same scale as the floor plan
  • show the dimensions and scale


Think about the size of a room. How could I draw this on a piece of paper and still be accurate?


Follow the steps for creating a Garden from the worksheet found in: O:\ICT\NG CiDA

You need to decide on a scale that will allow you to create all of the objects on 1 sheet of A3 paper


BBC Bitesize Ratio & Scale - Availale through

Due in: 9a/It4 - 1st Oct / 9b/It1 - 30th Sept

Friday 20 September 2013

TB1L2 Working to a brief

BA2 take an iterative approach to design and development involving key issues when working to a brief e.g. timescales, resources

Ask students to: 
  • think about when they have worked to a brief.
  • consider when they have developed proposals. This could be evidenced with something from school or an out of school activity. Possible examples may include organising a party, a trip, a school fair, a holiday, a sporting/musical event etc.

Complete the activity below:

List as many things you think should be considered when making a Proposal..

NOTE: List your ideas on different Post-It notes. A different colour should be used for each group.

Categorise all of your ideas into the following sections. It is suggested that everything you need to consider can be listed into these sections.
The 8 Categories of a Proposal

10X/Id1 Comping up with Proposal ideas
Split into 8 categories
In the comment box below, suggest what you consider to be the 2 most important elements when planning a Proposal.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

2.1.1 Fundamentals of Computer Systems

BA2 appreciate the importance of Computer Systems by developing your base understanding
  1. Create a brand new folder called: OCR GCSE Computing in your My Documents folder
  2. Inside that, create another new folder called 2.1.1 Fundamentals of a Computing System
RESEARCH: What is a System? What is a Computer System?

A system is a collection of parts that work together for a common purpose. For a system to be useful it must produce something - an output.

Outline of a System
Think about the input, process, output for the following systems:
  • Underground railway system
  • Respiratory System
  • Holiday Booking System
Discuss whether the following qualify as being Computer Systems and how they do it:
  • Answer Machine
  • Washing Machine
  • Car
  • MP3 Player
  • Television


Construct a product of your choice that shows the definition of a system - INPUT, PROCESS, OUTPUT. Include the examples listed above. You may include non-computer based systems but remember we are particularly interested in Computer Systems.

Define and give examples of the following Computer Systems:
  • Dedicated
  • General Purpose (embedded systems)
What addition to the image above is included for a Computer System?

Save this as Computer Systems in your new 2.1.1 Fundamentals of a Computer System folder


Research and discuss the following points of a Computer System in groups of three. Between you create a Presentation to you will be prepared to show the group. Make sure everyone in your group has a copy of your Presentation.
  • Reliability
  • Testing
  • Standards
    • Proprietry Standards
    • Industry Standards
    • De facto Standards
    • Open Standards
  • Ethical Considerations
  • Environmental Considerations
  • Legal Considerations

Save this as Importance Presentation in your  2.1.1 Fundamentals of a Computer System folder


Computer Systems have developed extremely quickly in terms of human history. They have proven to be so useful that life without them would be unacceptable for most of us. Like any advance, they have generated their own special problems and we are gradually coming to terms with understanding and dealing with them. 

HWK: - date due 24th Sept

Tuesday 17 September 2013

TB1L1 What are Digital Products…?

BA2 identify a range of different Digital Media and explain their key purposes

What are Digital Products? Can you name some?

Digital Products can be categorised in to four sections:
  • Web Products
  • Games
  • Databases
  • Multimedia

Discuss how Facebook covers the following points in your groups - be prepared to feedback!
  • Advertise
  • Persuade
  • Entertain
  • Influence
  • Educate
  • Inform
Now complete the document called TB1 L1 R2 What are Digital Products found in O:\ICT\GCSE ICT Unit 3


Finalise your document by defining what PURPOSE, CONVERGENCE & KEY FEATURES means when thinking about Digital Products

On the folder I have given you, write:
  • Your Name
  • Mr Fenner
  • 10X/Id1 OR 10Z/Id1
Save this piece of work in: My Documents\ICT GCSE\Unit 3 as TB1 L1 R2 What are Digital Products - deadline 10Z/Id1 - Wednesday 25th Sept / 10X/Id1 - Thursday 26th Sept


Friday 13 September 2013

NG CIDA - Getting Organised & Proposal

BA2 demonstrate awareness of the New CIDA course by creating appropriate files and folders

Here is the link to the brief you will be completing: Artwork & Imaging

  1. You need to make a brand new folder called UNIT3EPORTFOLIO inside the folder in your My Documents folder called Web
    • If you do not have a folder called Web, make one now (make sure it has a capital 'W')
  2. Inside your UNIT3EPORTFOLIO folder make 2 more folders called Evidence & Products
  3. Open the file called 'Proposal' from O:\ICT and save it to your Evidence folder

Using the template to help you, answer the given questions to the best of your ability following the 3 steps below:
How to fill in your Proposal form

If you complete the above task, grab some blank paper and begin sketching out ideas for a name and possibly logo for your chillout zone, receive feeback on your ideas!

In a separate document, conduct some research into how your room may look.

Save this in your Evidence folder as Research


On the folder I have given you, write:
  • Your Name
  • Mr Fenner
  • 9a/It4 OR 9b/It1

Thursday 12 September 2013

Photo Montage

BA2 illustrate you understanding of 'Photo Montage' by applying your skills to create a new Product

Take a look at the example below...

Photo Montage Example
What makes it a Photo Montage?

Definition: Photo Montage - Photo Montage is the process and the result of making a composite photograph by cutting and joining two or more photographs into an illusion of an unreal subject.


Find a reasonably sized image on the internet (800 x 600 Pixels at least) and open it in Serif Photo Plus X6, this will be your Background.

Find suitable yet unrealistic images and seamlessly insert them into your background.

What effects could you apply to make your image more 'realistic'?


Why would I choose to use this software over something else, Word or Publisher for example?


Use the comment box to describe two things you have either developed from last year OR that you have learnt brand new this year. If you have more than 2, list away!!

Please comment as Name/Website and write your first name only.

Another Example created in Serif PhotoPlus X6

Monday 9 September 2013

E-Safety Challenge

BA2 define E-Safety terms and rules using the new Year 7 as a target audience


Lets watch this 15 minute video about real life stories and how to keep safe on the internet.


Using all the information you have learnt in the past 2 lessons, create a presentation to help the new Year 7 use the internet safely.

You may want to think about adding general rules, examples or 10 top tips to get you started.

A presentation does not necessarily mean 'PowerPoint', try extending yourself by using other available software/websites.


With a partner, in no more than 15 words, sum up a message for the Year 7's about E-Safety

Friday 6 September 2013

Getting to Know You...

BA2 Illustrate your holiday activities using Creative Design software to help you

Welcome back!!

I hope you all had a relaxing break.......

As you are the Design experts of the school, I would like you to use your skills...

Using a Program of your choice, I would like you to tell me what you did during your summer holiday!

I am looking for you to use your skills in Creative Design using the Serif packages you used last year.. there are also some other free packages available on the network too ... try to stay away from Office programs

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Getting to Know You...

BA2 Illustrate your holiday activities using Computing software to help you

Welcome back!!

I hope you all had a relaxing break.......

As you are the Computing experts of the school, I would like you to use your skills...

Using a Program of you schoice, I would like you to tell me what you did during your summer holiday!

I am looking for you to use your skills in Programming and/or design... try to stay away from Office programs

To get you started, check out the following link: